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Products & Stock Management

Keep your stock up to date, in real-time!


Easy stock intake

Receiving the goods and introducing them in the system is as easy as it can be. You have access to a directory with over 4000 vet products, while you can also customize your own. All the information is automatically suggested, from measurement unit and category to price and margin.

Add products within seconds

With Digitail, you can use barcode scanners to make the process even easier. Just scan and your products are added to the system.


Order & reorder from suppliers

Integrations with local suppliers are available so you can create order lists and send requests directly.


Your stock updated in real time

Your stock gets automatically updated when you use products for treatments or when you sell. Digitail lets you define both measurement units and subunits so your stock is always 100% accurate.


Your stock updated in real time

Your stock gets automatically updated when you use products for treatments or when you sell. Digitail lets you define both measurement units and subunits so your stock is always 100% accurate.


Be in control of your stock

There’s nothing worse than an empty shelf or expired products. With Digitail, you can easily track your inventory for all your products, so you can see at a glance when you’re running low or when the expiration dates are close.


Configure stock alerts for specific products or for entire categories.



Get notifications when products are below a set threshold quantity or availability.


Unlimited alerts

Track as many products as you like.

Improve your internal workflow and save time!

Join the cool vets already working with Digitail and start discovering how we can help you!

Get started for free

No strings attached, no credit card required!